Pull Day Workout

All fitness junkies aspire having that wide V-tapered back. It is what sets one’s physique apart from the rest. However, although everyone want’s a wide back, why do so many people struggling with building one?

Well, the truth is, most people don’t know how to train the muscle properly. The back is one of the largest muscles in the body that requires specific protocols in order to help it grow. No.. this doesn’t mean countless numbers of sets and extreme exercises. It actually means sticking to the basics with a focus on the mind to muscle connection.

The back consists of 3 muscles. The lats (which are what create the width), the inner back, and the lower back. Targeting each muscle in your workout will allow to develop the proportionate, wide back you’ve always dreamed of.

So where do you start?

A few things to keep in mind when performing these exercises:

1.) You should be struggling to complete the last few reps of each set but not to the point where you are going to failure on each one.

2.) Keep your rest periods between 1.5-2 minutes.

3.) For back exercises in general, focus on pulling the weight with your “elbows” as opposed to from your arms. This reduces the emphasis on your secondary muscles (e.g. biceps) and more towards activating your back muscles.